Having a dream is expensive. It is taxing on the body, mind, and soul, even though you love this thing so much. It takes a lot out of you, from you. To live on purpose, to discover, to be your purpose, to be great, truly great in this life, it costs something. The question is, are you willing to pay the price?
For more words of inspiration, grab a copy of my book, Thank God It’s Monday here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07HKYLWSB
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Fear. The place where a lot of our insecurities, doubt and everything in between stems from. There are some fears that are so damaging — they show up not in our times of failure but in our times of success. They are the fears that threaten to take us back to the traumas we’ve already survived. The fear of being poor again, being homeless again, being alone again, failing again.
The only way through these fears is to tell the truth about them. But first, you have to know what that truth is.
For more words of inspiration, grab a copy of my book, Thank God It’s Monday here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07HKYLWSB
Messages like this can land in your inbox every Sunday night. Sign up here: http://helpmelovemondays.com/

The only way to end suffering is presence. Your mind will tell you that it’s too simple to be a solution but have you ever stopped to ask your mind why it repeats the same thoughts over and over again? What is the actual point of that loop? There’s no solution, just comfort in what we know, no matter how destructive and dysfunctional. The only way out of the loop, out of the insanity is presence. To be in whatever is happening and wherever we are fully and wholly. We seem to be the only creatures who think that we can deny what is, fight against nature and her current, and actually win.
The funny thing is that whatever is actually happening in the present moment is rarely ever the problem. What rules is fear—fear of loss, sadness, solitude, and emptiness. So, if presence is the end of suffering, the acceptance of what is as it is—then embracing the present moment is the only way out. Life is transient; it is flux. What is, is what is. It might change and it might not, but, most likely, it will.
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