You Are Moving At The Perfect Speed!
Are you feeling stagnant and frustrated? Do you feel like “nothing is happening”? Watch this now.
Are you feeling stagnant and frustrated? Do you feel like “nothing is happening”? Watch this now.
When we fight life, life fights us back. I know this for a fact. I also know that some of the best things that have ever happened in my life have happened without my “help.” It is not about giving up but, instead, allowing your intuition to lead you toward inspired action. You are not fretting or worrying or chasing and you are not tied to any particular result or outcome—you are acting from a place of truth and trust.
Whenever we're going through a difficult time, we become so fixated on how wrong things are and eventually get stuck on the feeling that things will stay that way forever. We forget that there was once a time when that situation didn't exist and that there will eventually come a time when it will cease to exist again. If there is one thing life guarantees us, it's a lack of permanence. Everything eventually passes. Take solace in that.
What happens when you get exhausted in the middle of your race? Do you stop completely? Do you go back home? Do you give up? You can stop, but don’t stay where you’ve stopped.
When we embark on a journey to bring a dream or passion to life, we often focus on what we don’t have instead of what we do. Stop discounting what is readily available to you –what already exists within. If you don’t have it, you don’t need it. Take what you have and run with it.
The ego loves crafting and holding on to a “story” but if you’re not careful, that story will cost you everything good life has in store for you.
As great as it is to be comfortable, Life does its best work in us in times of discomfort and challenges. It is the best way to shape us into the potential we’ve only ever dreamt of.
Are you waiting for the perfect moment to finally enjoy your life? The disease of perfection will rob you of life’s perfectly imperfect moments while promising that one day in the future, you will be “perfectly happy”. What happens when that day never comes? Or worse, it does come and you realize that it’s riddled with its own set of challenges, thereby rendering that very moment you’ve waited for imperfect? The time to live is now. It will always be now. Because if not now, then when?
Spiritual Teacher, Eckhart Tolle once shared a story about taking a walk in a construction zone and there was a sign that read “All Structures
We don’t have to dig that deep to discover the true character of others. The truth is never that far from the surface; we just have to pay attention.
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